Saturday, October 9, 2010

raise a stink!

The Garlic Bus

Help us plant a message on aerotropolis lands...with garlic!
  • Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Departure Point: SkyDragon Centre (27 King William Street, Hamilton - between James and Hughson)
  • Cost: $3
Hamilton lost 20 percent of its agricultural land between 1991 and 2006. On October 13, 2010, city council votes to convert an additional 2000-plus acres of foodland around the airport into an "aerotropolis industrial area."
Garlic is a symbolic crop for our campaign. Not only is it is planted in the fall, but most of the garlic available in Hamilton is imported from China. By planting garlic on lands designated for aerotropolis development, we are sending a strong message to city hall: Productive agricultural land should be used to grow food, not warehouses.
Without a protected and supported local food system, Hamiltonians will be vulnerable to global price fluctuations and world food shortages. It's about an individual's fundamental right to food security. It's about our community's need for food sovereignty. And it's about climate change. Our leaders need to guarantee access to locally-grown food so that we can reduce the number of miles our food travels from farm to fork-thereby reducing the contributions our food makes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Passengers on the Garlic Bus will have the opportunity to plant garlic on lands designated for industrial development. These may not public lands and we may be trespassing. We are looking for peaceful radicals!
Want more information about aerotropolis development plans? Check out Hamiltonians for Progressive Development.
Hamilton's latest 350 campaign is part of the global 10/10/10 movement, organized by

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