Saturday, October 23, 2010

Video Plant

Participants in this October 10/10 planting were technically "trespassing" on the farm fields in this fertile region to plant garlic at the so called Airport Employment Growth District - EAGD - a euphemism for greenfield or sprawl development with all its imported (i.e. non-locally produced) farm eggs in one big basket of hope - hope that the airport will be an anchor for airport related jobs growth, mostly warehousing, at an airport with a poor track record for attracting flights and with a current business park mostly empty.
One of the last votes on council before elections approved the first phase of this development, with, sadly, only two members of council voting against it - McHattie and Bratina.
Find out more about opposition to the expansion into foodlands, which is ongoing. It ain't over while there are still people ready to take action to save the farmland!

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